Nikolai Shaveko (b. 1991) - philosopher, lawyer, translator, historian, PhD in law.
Researcher in the Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Udmurt office).
Teacher at the Udmurt State University.
Lawyer in private practice. A co-founder of the Law Firm "Republic" (Izhevsk).
Author of a number of monographs and dozens of research articles in the field of philosophy of law, political and moral philosophy, theory of justice, history of political and legal doctrines
Udmurt State University
Institute of Law, Social Management and Security
Lawyer (spesialist degree)
Civil law
Udmurt State University
Faculty of Professional Foreign Language
English language translator in the field of professional communication (supplement to higher education)
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Faculty of Law, Department of Theory of State and Law and Political Science
Researcher. Instructor-Researcher (qualification after postgraduate studies)
(12.00.01 - Theory and history of law and state; History of legal and political doctrines)
Udmurt State University
Institute of History and Sociology
Historian (master's degree)
(History of Russia)
Udmurt State University
Institute of Additional Professional Education
Teacher of philosophical disciplines (professional retraining course)
Work experience
Private legal practice in Moscow
Lecturer and Associate Professor of the Department of Public Law at the Izhevsk Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice
2017- till now
Researcher in the Udmurt office of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
till now
Private legal practice in Izhevsk
till now
Teacher at the Udmurt State University