Essays on the theory of justice

The monograph is devoted to a wide range of topical issues in the field of the theory of justice, understood as the science of proper social regulation, located at the intersection of ethics, philosophy of law and political theory. Briefly substantiating the subject and methods of this science, the author proposes an interpretation of justice as equality, and further considers from this point of view themes such as human dignity and human rights, democracy and public opinion, the death penalty and civil disobedience, trial and punishment, exchange and distribution relations, the main principles national, religious and cultural policies, relationships between generations, as well as principles of international law and of just war.
Shaveko N.A. Ocherki po teorii spravedlivosti. Moscow, RUSCIENCE Publ., 2021. - 338 p.
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"The main issues of the theory of justice"
The conclutions of this monograph were tested in the following works:
Shaveko N.A. 2020. ETHNOCULTURAL JUSTICE IN THE NATIONAL STATE. // Moscow University Bulletin. Series 12: Political Sciences. No. 1. Pp. 31-50. (In Russian).
Shaveko N.A. 2020. DOES THE RIGHT PRECEDE THE GOOD? (A DISPUTE BETWEEN LIBERALS AND COMMUNITARIANS). // Politeia. No. 3 (98). Pp. 62-81. (In Russian).
Shaveko N.A. 2022. ETHNO-CULTURAL JUSTICE AND MULTICULTURALISM. // Antinomies. Vol. 22. Iss. 4. Pp. 53-65. (In Russian).